Click mouse here: Jan 2022 Jibaro_Arthur Meyerson…
Arthur Meyerson Featured in Jibaro Photos

Click mouse here: Jan 2022 Jibaro_Arthur Meyerson…
“Arthur Meyerson’s book The Journey is a photographic autobiography of a life lived in full color. His words and his images have the coherent polish and grace of a person who is thoroughly aware of the light we live in and how we occupy each other within it. Though it appears on the surface that his work…
This is a class I initially designed as a “next step” to my other workshop, The Color of Light. However, the The Color of Light is not a prerequisite for taking this course. This is more about capturing color moments and some of the methods I use to help me in doing so. From my…
Photo ©1984 Randy Wells When teaching photo workshops, one of the first questions I ask my class is, “How many of you know the name Ernst Haas”? And, sadly, over the years, the number of hands that go up… has gone down. This year, being the 30th anniversary of his death, I think it is…
For those of us who know and love him, there was excitement in the rumors earlier this year that Jay Maisel had a new book in the works. Would this finally be the year that we would see the arrival of the big, major, all encompassing, coffee table, retrospective book by the master of color…
My love affair with Portugal began the first time I came there in 1971 after I had graduated from college. Since then, I have had the great pleasure of returning in 2000 when my friend, the talented Portuguese photographer, Paulo Roberto invited me to have a major retrospective at the magnificent Palacio Foz, followed by…
Join me in Cuba this March! To view interview, click here: Cuba Interview…
After a 5 year hiatus, the A.M. Alumni Project Symposium reconvened in Las Trancas, Mexico and was a great success! Participants came with a variety of projects and ideas and spent a week working individually and collectively to further their ideas. Utilizing individual presentations, group meetings, one-on-ones and videos, everyone was able to move their…
2012 will always go down for me as an important year with the publication of my book, The Color of Light. I want to thank those of you who supported the project, again. All of the proceeds collected from the sale of the book are going to be utilized toward my next although I’m still……